Welcome to your Community Council
The Campbell Collegiate Community Council is a group of parents, administrators and teachers who are working to build community in our school.
Our goal is to answer parents' questions about how to best support their kids' experience in high school.
Our meetings are an opportunity to ask questions and to receive information through presentations and guest speakers.
As a council, we also fund the purchasing of materials for the school (eg. technology, library books) and support the school's learning objectives and strategic plan.
Campbell Collegiate Community Council – 2024-2025
Elected Members
Chair: Sarah Theaker
Vice Chair: Valerie Mckellar
Treasurer: Barbara Cabrera
Secretary: Valerie Picketts
Appointed Members
Principal: Dale Girodat
Vice Principals: Tracey Ellis and Dylan Johns
Learning Leaders:
Tabitha Booth
Luke Braun
Carmen Danyluk
Mike Leier
Campbell Collegiate Community Council Meeting Dates
All parents and community members are welcome to attend!
Bi-monthly meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held in the Conference Room directly across from the Main Office.
Upcoming 2024-2025 Meetings all at 6:30 pm
-C4 September 16
-C4 AGM October 7
-C4 Dec 9
-C4 Feb 10
-C4 May 12