Senior Clothing (Class of 2025)

Senior Clothing (Class of 2025) Orders are OPEN!

If you would like to order senior clothing , please follow the link below.  Orders are DUE by JULY 7 (if you want your clothing before the first day of school).  All payment goes through the PlainView Media site.

There are 6 options available: baseball jerseys, hoodies, & crewnecks. 

Click on the picture below to order

Kids Help Phone

December 12, 2022 -- Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Mental health tips and info - With Kids Help Phone’s web resources, young people can get information about how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and what they can do to care for their well-being.

Crisis support - If young people need help right now, they can text or Facebook message a trained, volunteer crisis responder at Kids Help Phone about anything they are going through. No issue is too big or too small.

School Drop Offs

Reminder to families dropping off and picking up students that there is no stopping in front of the school.  This area is designated as a drop off and pick up zone for our special needs students.  Please leave room for them to safely access and exit their transportation.  Winter conditions make it difficult for our intensive needs students if vehicles are in the no stopping lane designated specifically for their use. 

Thank you for your support and understanding.